An Audio Walk Through the Neighborhood

An Audio Walk through the Neighborhood

You Are Here is a series of audio and video walks that invite the listener to rethink their relationship with the space. How do we perceive spaces, and how do spaces define us? What series of memories, histories, behaviors, habits, unfold in these spaces and how do we grow as they evolve? 

These narratives are an invitation to tread into these spaces in a different way from what we ordinarily do, with the goal of rethinking the way we think about them, and questioning what we think we know about them. 

How it works:

1. Scan the QR code posted on the signs

2. Follow the instructions in the audio

3. Access the videos and walk along the narrations

Find out more about this project, how it came out to be, and how you can participate in it as well!

Explore the audio walks, by browsing our Walks page and looking at the videos.

Find out about how the project can extend and include your memories and experiences of the city!